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Endovascular Surgery

Endovascular Surgery

Laser Treatments & Surgeries for Varicose Veins


Endovascular surgery, also known as minimally invasive surgery, has revolutionized field of medicine by offering a less invasive alternative to traditional open surgeries. By utilizing advanced imaging techniques and specialized tools, endovascular procedures enable surgeons to diagnose and treat various conditions from within blood vessels, eliminating need for large incisions and significantly reducing patient recovery time.


Techniques and procedures:-

Endovascular surgeries encompass a wide range of techniques that are performed through small incisions (or). Puncture sites. These procedures. are typically guided by real-time imaging technologies such as fluoroscopy (or). ultrasound. Some Common endovascular techniques include:

  • Angioplasty:
    In the this procedure, a balloon. tipped catheter is guided to the affected blood vessel and inflated to narrowed (or) blocked. area, restoring narrow blood flow..
  • stenting:
    It involves the placement of a mesh-like metal stent in the narrowed vessel to keep it open,Preventing further blockages.
  • Embolization:
    This procedure involves injecting embolic agents, such as coils or particles, into blood Vessels to block blood flow and treat condition like aneurysms (or) arteriovenous malformations.
  • Thrombolysis:
    It involves using medications or specialized devices to dissolve or remove blood clots, restoring blood flow in blocked vessels.

Applications of Endovascular surgeries

Endovascular procedures are employed in various medical Specialties to treat a wide range of conditions, including

  1. cardiovascular conditions:
    Endovascular surgeries are frequently used to treat heart disease, such as Coronary artery disease, by restoring blood flow to the heart muscles through angioplasty (or) stenting. They are also employed in the treatment of aortic aneurysms and peripheral artery disease.
  2. Neurovascular disorders:
    Endovascular techniques play a crucial role in the treatment of neuro vascular conditions like stroke, brain aneurysms, and arteriovenous malformation these procedures allow for precise and targeted treatment while minimizing damage to surrounding tissues.
  3. Oncology:
    There techniques are employed in cancer treatment to deliver targeted chemotherapy agents directly to the tumor site, blocking blood vessels supplying the tumor (known as embolization), or performing radiofrequency ablation to destroy Cancerous tissue.
  4. Urology :
    Conditions like kidney stones or blockages in the urinary system can be treated with endovascular procedures, such as ureteral stenting (or) angioplasty.

Benefits of Endovascular Surgeries:-

  1. Minimally invasive:
    Endovascular procedures require smaller incision or puncture sites. resulting in reduced trauma, minimal scarring, and less postoperative pain for patient.
  2. shorter Recovery time:
    As endovascular Surgeries are less invasive, they typically involve shorter hospital stays faster recovery and compared to open surgeries. patients can often resume their normal activities sooner.
  3. Lower complication rates:
    Due to their minimally invasive nature, endovascular surgeries are associated with lower rates of infection, bleeding, and other complications.
  4. Precision and targeted treatments
    The real-time imaging guidance in endovascular procedures allows for Precise navigation and targeted treatment, minimizing damage to surrounding healthy tissues and organs.

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